Sinead Keegan is a writer, editor, and lecturer. Her poetry and short stories have been published and anthologised widely including in Magma, The Lake, and Sheila-Na-Gig Online. Her blog has been recognised 5 times by Blog Awards Ireland. She is
also the founder and coordinator of the Stories of SW1 annual writing
competition. She has an MFA in creative writing. She lectures in
creative and critical writing at London
Metropolitan University, Kingston University and City Lit. She also teaches in her community, for organisations such as the British Council, and writes on a freelance basis for major corporate publications, websites and private clients. She is the co-founder and co-editor of the digital literary arts magazine all the sins.
Extended CV available here.
If you are interested in any of my services or you think I can help in another way, please visit my Contact page.
You can also find me online:
On Twitter @SineadKeegan
On Facebook
On LinkedIn
On Pinterest
and on all the sins
Extended CV available here.
If you are interested in any of my services or you think I can help in another way, please visit my Contact page.
You can also find me online:
On Twitter @SineadKeegan
On Facebook
On LinkedIn
On Pinterest
and on all the sins